Greater Minnesota Tour shows are currently being rescheduled due to COVID. Stay tuned for updates!

Iconoclasm - from Greek: eikṓn, ‘figure, icon’ + kláō, ‘to break’

Welcome to The Roses - a garden, a parlor, a shrine, and a cabaret where the boundaries between past/present/future, ancestors/descendants, the earth and the grave blur and thin. Here - queer ancestors long passed gather, voices freed from generations of a history they did not choose. And, let me tell you, they have songs to sing. 

Iconoclasm is a sweeping ritual-cabaret conceived of by songwriter and performer Carlisle Evans Peck. They are out to queer what it means to be a bard. With stories drawn from familial lore and oral histories, Carlisle invites queer ancestors known and unknown onto the stage and into the spotlight - embodying the bachelor farmers, the coal miner lovers, the genderqueer witches, and the ancestral drag mothers of their family lineage. Part ritual, part music-theater, and backed by a live rock orchestra, Iconoclasm traverses balladry, glam rock, and drag, breaking cracks in the veneer of history to release the glittering forgotten lives within. 

This Summer, Carlisle and the whole Iconoclasm ensemble is bringing these histories to shimmering life around Minnesota, because now more than ever we need to uplift queer histories. Join us for the dates below!

If you can’t see yourself in the stories you’ve been given, write yourself in - with maximal glitter. 




JULY 12 and 13 - MINNEAPOLIS, MN - The Southern Theater

AUGUST 10 - ORONOCO, MN - Squash Blossom Farm (Buy Tickets)


POSTPONED! AUGUST 16 - NEW LONDON, MN - Little Theater Auditorium (Buy Tickets)

POSTPONED! AUGUST 17 - MADISON, MN - Madison Mercantile (FB Event)


Carlisle Evans Peck is a fiscal year 2024 recipient of a Creative Individuals grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board. This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.